Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing habit too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

Join My Live Online Class October 11

Join My Live Online Class October 11

If you ever attended one of my previous online Mini-Workshops, you know how fun it is to hang out, draw together, and learn from each other. That's why these Mini-Workshops are formerly known as "Drawing Parties”.

At first, the drawing parties were a means of chatting with my community on my Patreon Page while drawing together. But once I had done a bunch of these, I realised that I could open these sessions up to a bigger audience. The more the merrier!
I decided to replace the 60-minute impromptu drawing sessions for a 90-minute class every month instead. Hence the name Mini-Workshop.
So that’s what I’ve been doing every month now for almost 2 years now.

Will you be joining this month’s session?
I'd love to see you there.

Save the date:

October 11
5 PM Central European Time
(to make sure to be on time, you can convert to your timezone here)

We'll meet on Zoom and draw together. You will get the direct Zoom link after signing up.  I will prepare instruction and an assignment for us to work on, during the 90-minute-session. By the end of the session, there will be time for a "show & tell", during which everyone who wants to, can share their drawings and ask questions, so we can learn from each other.  You can learn a lot by looking at each other's art.  No obligations there - it's totally OK if you want to keep your art to yourself.

No theme announcement in advance

Every so often, I get the question “can’t you announce what the theme will be for the mini-workshop?” I understand that you might want to know on beforehand, but the answer is: I can’t.

Why not?  My mini-workshops are based on the idea that we draw together, and that we have a point of accountability that way. Since my mantra is “everything is interesting when you draw it”, it shouldn’t matter what the theme or subject is, and whether you know it in advance or not.

I make and share a lot of content for free, and in addition, I teach these affordable mini-workshops, to make my classes available and accessible for those who can’t attend any of my workshops in person, or join me on Patreon.

Usually, on the day of the mini-workshop itself, I decide on the theme and prepare the class material for you. I decide it, based on my mood and interest that day, so that I can teach the class full of energy and momentum.  
If I would plan it all in advance, chances are that I won’t love the theme I chose, it could feel stale or forced, and that would NOT benefit the session at all.   
I know that sounds contradictory, because I just said that everything is interesting when you draw it, but the perspective is a little different when you’re teaching and doing drawing demos.

Just carve out some time to come draw with me on Zoom, and go with the flow!

I enjoy the monthly live mini-workshops immensely, and I am looking forward to this one too.

Clear your calendar for these 90 minutes of creative time just for YOU, and bring your favorite art tools.

If  you can't make it to the event, even though you signed up for it; you  can watch the recorded video of the session, which I'll send you via EventBrite within 24 hours after the event.

I hope to see you on Zoom!

Demo drawing of a recent Mini-Workshop

Urban Sketching in Edinburgh

Urban Sketching in Edinburgh

Stop Making Excuses

Stop Making Excuses