Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing habit too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

Let Me Tell You A Secret

Let Me Tell You A Secret

“Koosje, you make it look so easy!” I hear this from students and online followers from now and then, when I do a drawing demo or show a drawing I made.
Let me tell you a secret: it’s not.
No matter what skill level, getting better at drawing takes time. And practice. And exploration. And courage. And curiosity.
And did I mention time?

Nobody said it was easy. Where did that idea come from anyway?
But that doesn’t mean it’s not fun!

In fact, taking up challenges CAN be fun.
There’s nothing wrong at all with doing things that are hard, or that seem challenging. It’ll bring you many benefits!

  • Pushing your boundaries and trying new techniques or styles can help you develop and refine your artistic skills.

  • Challenges encourage you to think outside the box and come up with smart solutions to creative problems, and nurture your creativity.

  • Overcoming challenges in art can lead to personal growth and increased confidence in your abilities.

  • Trying new things allows you to explore different aspects of art, from materials to subjects, leading to more diversity in your sketchbook.

  • Successfully tackling artistic challenges can be very satisfying and give you a sense of accomplishment.

  • Continuously challenging yourself can help you to keep going and be more playful - which can give you exciting surprises in your sketchbook.

Challenging yourself in your sketchbook practice can lead to self-growth, improved skills, and a deep appreciation of the creative process.

Studying yourself in the bathroom mirror can be a really fun creative challenge!

Do yourself a favor and take time to spend working in your sketchbook.
I do it daily, and it helps me to keep growing as an artist.

Drawing In A Café

Drawing In A Café

Draw Your Living Room

Draw Your Living Room