Hi there, I’m Koosje!

pronounced "Kōsha”

I’m an artist and creative entrepreneur living in the Netherlands. I love drawing and I do it every day. On this website, I hope to inspire you to develop a drawing habit too, because it can make you feel good.

Photo by Rick Keus

Let's Draw People (again!)

Let's Draw People (again!)

Back by popular demand

Last year, my online workshops "Let's Draw People - Level 1" and "Let's Draw More People - Level 2" were sold out in no time.
You may have missed out, or perhaps you weren't able to join Level 2 after taking level 1.
That's why I am teaching both classes again. The first will be on March 16, and the follow-up on March 30.

People are part of life around us, so when including them to your drawings, you’re telling a stronger story, as the viewer can relate even more to what they see. It'll bring your sketchbook to life!

But let’s face it: many artists fear drawing people. Our minds worry about likeness, proportions and features. Legs look too short, arms too long, the figure too stiff… Let alone the fact that people move. All the time!

Personally, I love drawing people. It’s exciting and fun. We’re surrounded by people, so when I draw a street scene, or sit in a cafe, I want to add people in my drawings.

It’s a challenge to capture a person and their characteristics. To choose the right subject and capture them quickly while they pass by, or are in conversation. To make them part of your Urban sketches without being afraid you’ll mess up your drawing.

I’ve gained confidence about my skills by practicing a lot. Now, I want to help you overcome these obstacles and take the fear away. Together, we can develop your creative courage and make capturing people in your sketchbook a fun and playful experience! I'll give you encouraging tips, techniques, and exercises to help you loosen up and embrace the process.

It’ll be fun!

Both workshops will be split into two sessions of 2.5 hours, with a 1 hour break between the two sessions.
The workshops are recorded so you can rewatch later.

Things we’ll cover in the workshops:

  • Live drawing demos and assignments for you to work on during the workshop

  • Guided exercises to practice and gain confidence for drawing people in your sketchbook

  • Tips for getting better at proportions, postures, body language and gestures

  • Tips and ideas to make your urban sketches lively and expressive

  • Drawing hands and feet so you don’t need to “hide them” anymore by drawing people with their hands in their pockets

  • Encouragement to embrace wonkiness, experimentation and playfulness in your sketchbook

  • Tips and ideas to tell your own unique stories in your sketchbook pages, develop your style and artistic voice.

  • Show&Tell: opportunity for participants to show what they make during the workshop so we can all learn from each other.

After class:

  • You’ll get access to the recorded video, so you can rewatch and keep practicing

  • You’ll get a downloadable freebie as a souvenir and a reminder of everything you learned, so that from now on you will pluck the courage to draw people on the move and on location.

  • You'll have gained confidence and skills to draw people whenever and wherever

You can find all info and enroll here

Treat Yourself by Drawing In a Café

Treat Yourself by Drawing In a Café

Travel Sketchbook Tour (2 of 2)

Travel Sketchbook Tour (2 of 2)